3D-animation and video

3D-animation and video

3D-animation and video

3D-animation and video

3D animation for marketing and sales of products and solutions

Use 3D animation:

  • When you need to explain and visualize a feature or a process in a clear manner.
  • When the environment is too dangerous or inaccessible for filming, such as hazardous industrial areas.
  • When confidentiality or proprietary constraints prevent the physical product or process from being displayed publicly.
  • When the product is still in the design or prototype stage and hasn't been physically manufactured yet.
  • When you want to show internal mechanisms or cross-sectional views that are not visible from the outside.
  • When the demonstration involves combining elements from different locations that can't be brought together easily.
  • When the size of the product makes it impractical to transport or showcase, such as large industrial machinery or infrastructure projects.

3D animation for Biotech och Life Sciences

Use 3D animation:

  • When the process occurs at a microscopic or molecular level, making it impossible to capture with a regular camera.
  • When the event happens too quickly or too slowly to be effectively recorded, like chemical reactions.
  • When confidentiality or proprietary constraints prevent the physical product or process from being displayed publicly.
  • When the demonstration requires altering variables or conditions that are difficult to control in real life.
  • When you need to visualize abstract concepts or theoretical models that don't have a physical form.

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